Saturday 13 August 2011

The School's Cleanliness Campaign

 One day - school assembly - Headmaster - National Cleanliness Campaign

 Saturday - carried buckets - brooms - mops - dusters

 worked hard, swept, cleaned, tidied

 Swee Meng - asleep - Headmaster - inspect - very angry

Swee Meng - clean toilets

Headmaster - inspected school - clean - drinks and cakes for everyone - except Swee Meng

Monday 1 August 2011

Literature Component essay

Question 3
        Based on the novel,  Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde written by Robert Louis Stevenson, the character I choose to show how they are good and bad is Dr Jekyll.
       I think Dr Jekyll is good because he is a caring person. When Mr Hyde started to take over Dr Jekyll. Dr Jekyll killed himself because he did not want Mr Hyde his evil self to hurt anymore people or cause more trouble.
       Besides, Dr Jekyll is a brave man. When he first created the drug. That turned him into Mr Hyde, he tested the driug on himself without any hesitation.
       Other than him being good, he also has a bad side. Dr Jekyll has an evil mind. When he was in the form of Mr Hyde, he had trampled over a little child, named Edie without showing any sympathy. He even claimed that the incident was just an accident. Besides, he also murdered Sir Danvers Carew, with a walking stick, in a cruel manner.
       Lastly, in the form of Mr Hyde, Dr Jekyll is a rude person. When Mr Utterson asked him a question politely, he answered rudely and also called him a liar.
       These are the good and bad things in Dr Jekyll. 

Essay writing 1

          Activities : Teenagers Can Participate In During The Holidays                                                                                                            
                                                                                                Prepared by :           
  Teenagers these days indulge in many unhealthy activities such as playing video games and watching television. Although these activities may seem fun, they do not bring any long term benefits and may harm us and cause addiction in the long run. Since the holidays are just around the  corner, why not try some new activities ?

   There are countless types of activities that teenagers can take part in. Camping is a good choice as it is an extremely beneficial activity. It brings us closer to Mother Nature and opens up our eyes to the world. Camping is good for us both physically and mentally. As the saying goes, a healthy body is a healthy mind. Both physical health and mental health go hand-in-hand. 

    Other than that, teenagers can participate in charity work during the holidays. Many teenagers do not want to use their precious time to do someone else good but as we all know, giving is better than receiving. By sacrificing our time and energy for the benefit of someone else, we may be surprised at what it does for us. Try volunteering at an old folks home. Bringing a smile to the lonely old peoples faces will surely warm your own heart. 

      Besides that, another good activity would be spring-cleaning ! Show your parents some love and do the chores yourself. Ask your siblings to help out as many hands make light work. At the end of the day, it will feel good to stay in a clean house and drive in a clean car. 

      The last activity I would like to suggest would be playing board games. It is a good alternative to playing computer games and video games. It can tighten the bond between us and our loved ones. Furthermore, it trains us mentally and brings out the competitive streak in us. There are so many different types of board games that we can choose from. Try creating your own unique board game and see what your friends think of it. 

      The holidays are the perfect excuse to try something new and exciting. Experiment and participate in different activities and you might be able to find a new hobby that brings you many advantages.